Mukti Dham Seva Samiti

Add.: Basement, Surajgarh By Pass Road, Opp. Tata Motors Chirawa
City: Chirawa, Jhunjhunu
Pin: 333026
State: Rajasthan
Mobile: 9877655070
Email :
Contact Person: Sunil Kumar
Purpose : If any person dies and there is no one to make the cremation after death or the dependents or associates or families of such person are not able to bear the expenses that are incurred in that event. At that time when there is no one then Mukti Dham Sewa Samiti NGO helps for and perform the cremation (Antim Kriya Karam) event.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Mukti Dham Sewa Samiti is created and working on the vision that is – “We should give some percentage of our income in such works which can be useful for humanity. We came empty handed and only to go empty handed, do something that would be useful for anyone.”

Mukti Dham is following and implementing the activities and events are –

  • Mukti Dham Seva Samiti plans to construct boundary walls, planting of tree-saplings, and erection of tent sheds at cremation grounds, there is no cremation in any religion and caste.
  • Mukti Dham has started a tribute scheme to provide financial assistance to such a family after the death of a poor family person living in rural areas. Immediate assistance is to be provided under this scheme.
  • Construction of dry wood store in cremation ground used and placed at the time of funeral dead body.
  • Sitting arrangement for people to stay sit in the shade during the funeral process.

The objectives of Mukti Dham Seva Samiti are –

  • If there is no cremation ground (Mukti Dham) in any city or village or it is far away from the village, then to proceed to create cremation place for them and provide this facility at a short distance.
  • To streamline the road leading to cremation place and to construct a drain for the clean water system and drainage of waste water.
  • To construct boundary wall and planting of tree plants and teen shed in the cremation place that does not have boundary wall and other facilities.
  • Construction of the cremation places in some villages and cities where there is no cremation in any religion and caste. There is no restriction or inconvenience for the people visiting there.
  • Assistance and facility to be provided by NGO to the needy families below poverty line and below that cannot afford funeral expenses.
  • Construction of a dry wood store in cremation and making, arranging the seating facilities for the people who come during the ceremony.
  • To conduct survey for the creation places and based on the survey of the cremation place NGO builds or provides necessary facilities as per the requirements.
  • To arrange to get solar lights installed on the way to cremation ground.

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