is providing an online web directory and NGO resources of Indian NGOs. All the NGOs enlisted in the web portal may not be recognised and they are not members of our network. We are updating information about NGOs and we verify recognised NGOs and provide their information on certain terms. The NGO portal contains information about grassroots level Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Non Profit Organizations (NPOs), POs, GOs in India, Funding Agencies, Social activists and concerned stakeholders, Volunteers, Volunteer service organisers, Social issues, NGO Funding Projects, job opportunities in social sector, success stories of individuals as well as organizations, and other relevant information and resources.
In NGO Resource Centre here you can find out the listing and directory with the Profiles of Non Government Organisations/ Non Profit Organisations (NGOs/NPOs) of India and information of Funding agencies of National Funding Agencies, International Funding Agencies, Companies providing CSR Funding under Corporate Social Responsibility and Information of the funding available from Government Ministries for NGOs. In this online NGO Resources Centre you can find out the profiles of NGOs working and registered in Different States, Districts, Blocks and localities. The profiles of NGO working in different states of India is further classified according to the Districts of the concerned states.
NGOs India has been disseminating the online identity through the Web pages of the NGOs to strengthen them and share their experience with other NGOs, groups and persons of society. This identification can help NGOs, as funding agencies, supporters, volunteers can find them out to give their support to the enlisted NGOs. Presence and contact details of NGOs are useful for the people who seek support and help from the NGOs in their related areas and for various other purposes.
NGOs India have been providing the information about and basic profiles of Non Governmental Organisations (NGO) / Non Profit Organisations (NPO) / Voluntary Organisations of various states, districts, cities, towns and villages of India at The profiles and information of NGOs working in different states, districts, blocks, regions, villages, parts and in different sectors, Lists and information about Funding agencies provide grants to NGOs, information about International Funding Agencies, List and information of Indian Corporates and Companies that provide funds/grants under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) or CSR Funding and other information/data about NGO related authorites and support organisations is avialabe and can be find out from the You/NGO management/Social activists/Volunteers can enlist and add your/their NGO in this web portal of national NGO network at
Profile of NGOs for Information: The profiles of the NGOs working in the Districts of the States are classified and their detail is provided here. We have provided the information that is submitted by the concerned persons on behalf of the NGO.
NGO Enlisted here can be remove after complain: If there is any NGO not working well then it is none of our concern that we have to some action. We only can remove the profile of NGO from our list.
NGO Enlisted here can be remove after complain: If there is any NGO not working well then it is none of our concern that we have to some action. We only can remove the profile of NGO from our list.
We do not recognise enlisted NGOs: We do not recognise and verify that the enlisted NGOs in this directory is correct and the NGOs are doing well work. If there is any NGO enlisted here is not working for social welfare and doing for profit and unsocial activities so we can remove the name and profile of that NGO.
There are many NGOs and working fine and many of the NGOs are not working for social work. We do support and listing of the NGOs who are working well according to our knowledge.
Recognised NGOs: In the list of recognised NGO list and profile given in this web portal are the organisations are well recognised and proven past records.
भारत के एनजीओ – भारत के स्वयं सेवी संगठन, भारत की स्वयं सेवी संस्थान
भारत के जन संगठन – भारत की स्वयं सेवी संस्थाएं – भारत में कार्यरत पंजिकृत स्वयं सेवी संस्थाएं – एनजीओ.
National Funding Agencies for NGO
You can find the listing, information and profiles of the Indian national Funding Agencies who provide funds to Non Profit Organisation (NGOs) and social welfare organisations. You can find and contact to the funding agencies for grants. We do not ensure and take any responsibility if the provided list or information of Funding Agencies. The enlisted Funding Agencies may or may not provide fund to applicants. Funding depends upon the decisions of the funding agencies, their resources and credibility/ applicability/ ability of the applicant NGO.
International Funding Agencies
NGOs and their fundraiser worker can find out the information and profiles of International Funding Agencies. The international funding agency can provide the funds to the NGOs in India who have Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) certificate issued by Government of India. NGOs can send concept note and introduction letter by mentioning their profile, working area, need and sector for Funds. The information provided about the international funding agencies may update and change.
Companies Provide Funding under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Certain Companies have to pay two percent funds whose turnover is above 500 crore or profit is above 5 crore. These companies are fall under Social Corporate Responsibly (CSR). List, information and profiles of the corporates who provide CSR funding are included in website.
The information provided here may changed or updated in that case you can report us to make change about the enlisted company. Many companies use to provide funding directly so you have to contact them directly.
CSR Funding – Public Sector Companies
Public Sector Companies of India use to provide and section funding to NGOs for social welfare purpose. Some certain Public Sector Companies have their guidelines, parameters and priority areas so such companies provide funding on certain issues. Most of the companies have no certain grant schemes and projects. Public Sector Companies provide funds on certain parameters and profiles of the NGOs on any kind of regular or innovative idea or concept. NGO can apply for CSR funding through the prepared project. So you have to contact the CSR wings of Public Sector Companies to ensure the funding applicability parameters and time.
Centre Government Funding for NGOs
In this online resource centre you can find out the listing and informations of the Government Ministries, Departments and Government organisations to get financial help as projects. In this website the information is provided for the purpose that the eligible NGOs can find out and proceed to apply to get grant Projects. The information of Government Ministries use to change time to time so it is not necessary that the information provided here is always as per your requirements. The limitation and terms of Government of India is always applicable so the for the accuracy of availability of the funds by certain Ministries NGOs directly have to contact there.
State Government Funding for NGOs
State Government Departments and Ministries have the same parameters as of the Centre Government. The information provided here is based on the information of the websites, circulars and advertisements of the concerned departments. Before preparing and submitting the project proposal you have to first confirm the time and required parameters of the department and ministry. No one can claim or assure for approval of the submitted Government Projects. If your NGO fulfills the parameters and guidelines then you are eligible to apply. Eligibility to apply is not the eligibility of sanction of the project Proposals.
Online Funding Resources
NGO can raise funds through the available online fundraising platforms and websites. There and few websites on which NGOs have to get registration or make a contract and start fundraising. Online fundraising depends upon the provided task and place of NGO Fundraising strategy and options. You can find out few online fundraising options to raise funds for your project and task. We do not ensure any reliability or any other kind of surety of the fund providing method adopted, processed and chosen by and provided by the websites and web portal organisers and operators We do not ensure the surety of applicability of the terms and conditions applicable on the NGOs who get association by or with the certain or any website. NGOs and the members of the NGO who want to take benefit and affiliation and association or any kind of dealing with the websites, web portals and online fundraisers can get association, affiliation, agreement or contract at their own risk and responsibility.
If anybody asks funds, fees or money from you to raise or start to raise funds then you provide them at your risk. We do not endorse and take any kind of responsibility of reliability and do not recognise the concerned operator or fundraiser or the website or group of persons who claim or assure to raise funds for NGOs.
Many fraudster make calls and ask NGO management to get funds and projects from various methods. This is a kind of malpractice and they do not have the claimed money they claim to provide as fund and some times they ask some percentage refund after payment and money before funding.. This is completely a kind of fraud by well organised women and men so NGOs must avoid. There is no way of report and legal action is not taken by police so these criminals are doing their crime regularly.
Other Fund Raising Methods
You can find out the other fund raising methods to get funding and financial supports and other resources and infrastructure from the supporters who want to provide funding and help to social welfare organisations. We do not suggest every organisation to adopt the other fundraising process and methods if they are not doing real social welfare work in well organised way and for real social welfare and social development purpose. If you are doing practical social work then you can go through the other fundraising methods. And the information provided on this website is not for the persons and organisations who do not raise fund for social cause and only raise fund for their own use or they use less fund for the social purpose and mist of the fund they get for their personal use.
There are many groups of criminals who make calls and send messages to general public and ask them to provide funds for the treatment of sick children, for cancer patients and other emergency purpose. Very few are fair but many of the caller are fraudster and goons of criminal gangs. We do not suggest to provide funds to such goons who claim them as student volunteer of any university or college. It is clear that all such criminals making such call are fraudsters do not provide to any child or the parents of child but they get money for their own greed with malafied intentions.
Still there are many organisations who can get funds from other methods including financial and other help from the individuals and groups but they do not do it.,We recommend them that they must do it for the social cause they want to do and fulfill it with their aim and mission. We suggest to the donors that before donating you have to check the real use of fund the reality of the organisation.
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