Handicap Center, Pune

Add : 136, Siddhivinayak Baugh, Near Esi Hospital, Mohan-Nagar, Pimpri-Chinchwad
Tel : 0020-27464896
Mobile : 86000 40555
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Akshay Sunil Chordiya
Purpose : Blindness, Disability, Rehabilitation.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Since then we has been working consistently for the achievement of our above mentioned objective. We here in the institution train our physically challenged trainees in making handloom bead sheets, dusters, weaving nylon chairs and making chalks. This rehabilitation work that we have undertaken has received no government grants nor any help from them. It has been running smoothly uptil now with the generous donors, who believe that service to mankind is, service to the all-mighty. We have our own orchestra band where in the instruments like keyboard, bongo and other indian classical instruments are played by disabled and visually challenged trainees. We also perform shows during certain festival. In our country, especially in the rural counterparts, people either born with disabilities or having them due to other reasons are often neglected & considered as a burden on the family. It is we who take up their responsibility and make them self-dependent and self-reliant. Women suffering disabilities are looked down upon & are given a very low status in the society. The outcome of this is that they get involved in criminal & other indecent activities.

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