Global Knowledge For People Charitable Trust, Pune
Add : 2/361, Gopalpatti, Manjari Budruk, Haweli
Tel :
Mobile : 94051 59993
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Contact Person : Kailas Prakash
Purpose : Community Development, Distance Learning, E-Learning, Education, Health.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Therefore, the settler endeavors to create this charitable trust. The creation of this charitable trust is intended for the sole purpose of contributing to the society, the state, the nation and the people at large. The settler takes this task as a divine responsibility upon him and shall devote all his energy and capability to achieve the purpose. In doing so the settler wishes to be the humble squirrel akin to the one who contributed a small tiny bit of efforts in building the bridge by the lord rama. The settler as a humble squirrel feels the urge to contribute and be a tiny part of a great nation building. A tiny part of building a superpower india.
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