EDU-Tech Agro Foundation, Pune

Add : A-P, Umbraj, Junnar
Tel :
Mobile : 95618 31204
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Contact Person : Ganesh Arun Abhale
Purpose : Environment, Food And Nutrition, Rural Development Agricultural Growth With Help Of Education & Technology.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Edu-tech agro foundation vision to formulate one click agricultural information system with the help of modern communication technique and information technology for indian agriculture and agricultural infrastructural development mission enhancing educational and technical competencies & capabilities of farmers for basic agricultural growth. Objective to maximize the use of information technology in agro based to develop basic infrastructural facilities for raising the standard of to analyze and understand the basic problem of farmers, based on to develop the one click on-line farmer information system for to expand entrepreneurships activities for farmers with the help of to established food processing industries for the purpose of to design the effective crop insurance pattern for protect the to established agricultural universities, science centers, ngo, to increase the total irrigated land area from dry land area and, to to provide guidelines, assistance and services to the farmer with to organize agro based program in to the schools, colleagues, business and agriculture sectors. Living of farmers. That formulate and implement the strategic plan for solve the problem of farmers. Getting all types of agri. Related information under single roof. Government, non-government and privet organization. Minimize the wastes from highly perishable agriculture commodity (fruit & vegetables). Farmers against loss from natural calamities and low price rate of their commodity. Groups, self assistance groups, women?s organization, farmers saving groups, laboratories, export-import centers, vegetables retails shop, agriculture education, training and employment centers, tourism, agriculture call centers etc. For development of agriculture sectors. Develop and maintain the quality of land. The help of arranged agricultural research program, exhibitions, seminars, workshop, etc. Institutes for raise the awareness and interest about agricultural among the student and youth. To promote the organic and technical farming. To make a project model on determination of minimum fix price rate for agriculture commodity as per estimated demand. To regulate the pollution of water, land, air from agriculture sectors. To develop effective and efficient human resources for agriculture sectors with required knowledge, skills, attitude through scientific training and development program. To announce and felicitate award and reward to great personality from the societies. To conduct the special agriculture media for raising the awareness among society regarding agriculture. To participate with governments for conduct and implement farmer?s welfare schemes.

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