YMCA, Jamshedpur

Add: 31-32, Flour Mill Road
Pin: 831001
Contact Person: Anand Ch. Sahu
Purpose: Motivate youth and community for the development of our nation.
Aim/Objective/Mission: The young men?s christian association of seeks to unite men, women, youth and children as co-workers with god to promote mutually caring, loving and humane communities. Accordingly, the YMCA participates in God?s mission of restoring abundant life to all, with special concern for the most distressed and dehumanized in the country. The n YMCA is committed to strive for a just society where oppression, exploitation and denial of life is confronted and transformed. It believes in the sanctity of all life and preservation of all God?s creation. It stands for renewal and reconciliation in broken communities. Mission statement of YMCA Jamshedpur the young Men?s christian association of Jamshedpur seeks to unite people to build a just and equitable society, where the individual freedom will be enhanced to develop a human community from all faiths under the parenthood of God.

Tel: 91-657-2437245

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