Patna NGOs
- Sathi Welfare Society, Punpun
- Satyam Shree, Patna
- SAVE Foundation, Patna
- Searcher Charitable Trust, Patna
- SEWA – The Help Group Social Economic Welfare Association, Patna
- Shanti International, Patna
- Sharda Swasthya Mission, Patna
- Sherwood Kalyan Samiti, Patna
- Shiv Kalyan Seva Sansthan, Patna
- Shiv Sharda Welfare Society, Patna
- Shiva Smiriti Manch, Patna
- Shri Sai – Mitra Seva Sansthan, Patna
- Shubha Social Welfare Society, Patna
- Sidhant Foundation, Patna
- SIDON, Patna
- Sidra Educational & Health Care Society, Patna
- Sita Gramoudyog Vikas Sansthan, Patna
- Small Wonders School, Patna
- Smart Touch Foundation Trust, Patna
- SNEH, Patna
- Sneha Mahila Vikas Sansthan, Patna
- Social Ambition, Patna
- Social Educational Welfare Association, Patna
- Social Nidan Education and Health Association, Patna
- Social Organization of National Association Trust, Patna
- Social Youth Forum, Patna
- Society for Educational & Social Welfare Development, Patna
- Society for Management Development, Accounting Excellence & Information Technology, Patna
- Society for Population & Development Studies, Patna
- Sonadev Aarogyam, Patna
- Spastwadi Sahyogi Maitri Sangh, Patna
- SPKS, Patna
- Srijan Foundation, Patna
- Srishti International, Patna
- Surbhi Sangam, Patna
- Suryasthali Human Welfare Society, Patna
- Sustainable and Inclusive Rural Development Institute, Patna
- Teknik Foundation, Patna
- The Centre of Social Welfare & Rehabilitation
- The Creation Foundation, Patna
- The Impression Foundation, Patna
- The Link, Patna
- The Scouts/Guides Organisation, Patna
- The Support, Patna
- The Vigil, Patna
- The Voluntary Organisation in Interest of Consumer Education Social Change and National Development, Patna
- UDAAN – Universal Development & Awareness of Atmospheric Naturestudy, Patna
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