Add: P.O Box 70, GPO
Pin: 800001
Contact Person: Sharma
Aim/Objective/Mission: To educate, organize and empower the rural poor for promoting development as a liberating force aimed at justice, economic growth and self reliance and to capacitate the person with disability for social participation. To establish a just society in which no one remains hungry, unemployed, illiterate and exploited. To work for continuous improvement in socio- economic and moral status of village community. To promote Khadi village industries for all round development of villager. Promote principles of Sarvodaya Bhoodan & Gandhian Philosophy. To work for sustainable agriculture and rural development practices by promotion of fertilizer, animal husbandry, dairy, economic agriculture etc. Work for education for the underdog and disadvantaged section of our society. Remove social evil e.g. untouchability, casticism, communalism, class intervals, down atrocities against women etc. and restoration of dignity of disabled and senior citizens. To work for curative, preventive & primitive healthcare of the people and accelerate initiation of population stabilization. To promote environmental sanitation and safe drinking water.
Tel: 91-612-2347301
Mobile: 91-99347 91642
Email: [email protected]