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- AAKRITI, Guwahati
- Aami Sahayatree, Guwahati
- AAMIVA – Association for Advancement of Micro Institution & Voulantry Action, Guwahati
- Aaranyak Nature Club, Guwahati
- AARANYAK, Guwahati
- ADVENT, Guwahati
- AKINCHAN, Guwahati
- All Assam Tribal Paramedical Institute, Guwahati
- An Insight, Guwahati
- Anant Prayaas
- Ankan Academy, Guwahati
- ASHA – Assam Socio-Economic Health Association, Guwahati
- ASHADEEP, Guwahati
- Asom Rastrabhasha Prachar Samiti, Guwahati
- Assam Falah Society, Guwahati
- Assam Institute of Management, Guwahati
- Assam Science Society, Guwahati
- Association for Socio Cultural & Environmental Development, Guwahati
- Barnarddi Gramya Unnayan Samiti, Guwahati
- Basundhara Foundation, Kamrup Metropolitan
- Bhuvan Communication, Guwahati
- Bodo Sahitya Sobha, Guwahati
- Center for Social Change & Development, Guwahati
- Centre for Environment Education North-Eastern Regional Cell, Guwahati
- Centre For Film Culture, Guwahati
- Centre for North East Studies & Policy Research, Guwahati
- Centre of Innovation in Governance & Public Administration, Guwahati
- Conservation & Research Of Bio-Diversity & Environment, Guwahati
- Consumers Legal Protection Forum, Guwahati
- Datacom Education Society, Guwahati
- Debabrat Bhuyan Socio-Educational Society, Guwahati
- Don Bosco Youth Mission & Educational Services, Guwahati
- Early Birds, Guwahati
- Eco Systems, India
- Ema Socio Welfare Society, Guwahati
- Environmental Research & Evaluation Centre, Guwahati
- FARMER – Fellowship for Agri-Resource Management & Entrepreneurship Research, Guwahati
- FEROS, Guwahati
- Goal Society (Happiness Of Life), Guwahati
- Green Shield (N.E.), Guwahati
- Grmd Foundation, Kamrup Metropolitan
- Happines to all, Guwahati
- Helpline Health Care Society, Guwahati
- Horizon Socio Cultural Organization, Guwahati
- IYDE, Guwahati
- Jana Viaksh, Guwahati
- Janavikas Kendra, Guwahati
- Jeemachaya Dagareya Muga, Guwahati
- Kalyan Jyoti, Guwahati