Profiles of Indian NGOs & National - International Funding Agencies - Government Grants

Happines to all, Guwahati

Add: Birkuchi, Guwahati
Pin: 781026
Contact Person: santosh chetri
Purpose: Social work
Aim/Objective/Mission: Plantation, to spread awareness about for protection of environments, to control population. To promote/solve cause of health care, food problem, housing/shelter problems & humanitarian relief/refugees / indigenous people problems. To help disable, children, youth, aids patient, ageing people, drug adicts, hiv. To promote welfare of labour / union rights & economic / social development. To promote & educate equality as well as equity, international integration, brotherhood, non-violence, love, peace, justice, protection & promotion of human rights for all. To organize conferences, summits, seminars, meetings, discussions, debates, study courses, collection of statistics, exhibitions, shows, tour trips etc. (India and abroads) To provide loyal aid and advice for the indigent and weaker sections of the society and to share global health and global population change. Consumer act, RTI, human right, women’s issues, labour right and corporate law.

Mobile: 91-98640 17766, 91-95777 32336
Email: [email protected]