Nirmala Samaj Kalyan Sangstha, Paschim Medinipur
Add : Gokulnagar, Dadpur
Paschim Medinipur
West Bengal
Tel :
Mobile : 93127 35826
Email :
Website :
Contact Person :
Purpose : Advocacy On Social Issues, Agriculture, Art And Culture, Ayurveda, Child Labour, Child Welfare, Cultural Issues, Development (General), Food And Nutrition, Forestry, Health, Herbal Medicine, Hiv/Aids, Human Development, Human Rights, Labour, Library, Old Aged Welfare, Sanitation, Science And Technology, Self Help Groups, Training, Urban Development, Volunteers, Women Development/Welfare, Yoga, Youth.
Aim/Objective/Mission : The organization shall work hand in hand with the local bodies and the office of the district magistrate for better functioning. During the time of drought the organization shall provide irrigation water for aiding the farmers to cultivate and also to prevent their agricultural produce from being dried as a consequence of the same. The workers of the organization shall work in close association with the farmers irrespective of their caste, creed, religion and sex for bringing about the all round development and also for securing its goals. Computer education will be provide to poor students in the rural areas. Organization shall do more hard work to make resources available to the needy ones. Organization shall try to have more ?qualified doctors? to manage more patients. Organization shall try to include more and more members as management and working staff. More and more branches shall be opened in order to manage growing work.
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