Add : 8, Old Street, Kolkata
North 24 Parganas
West Bengal
Tel : 033-64444013
Mobile : 98748 58626
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Contact Person : Meghna Laha
Purpose : Adolescent Girls Welfare, Advocacy On Social Issues, Awareness Generation, Child Labour, Climate Change, Community Development, Corporate Social Responsibility, Cow Protection Centre (Goushala), Cultural Heritage., Economics And Finance, Employment, Forest Management, Forestry, Health, Human Development, Industry, Natural Resource Management, Peace, Poverty, Public Administration, Self Help Groups, Sustainable Development, Tribal Development, Urban Development, Women Development Welfare.
Aim/Objective/Mission : The heart of clf lies in rural india? where their still remains the essence of simple livelihoods with simple people living on simple demands and expectations. The majority of indiastill strive to avail their basic rights to food, shelter, education and a healthy living. Amidst the vast socio-cultural diversity of the people of indiawith majority of them still lying below the poverty line, clf wishes to ?help every human being live their own dreams. primary mission of clf is to: Improve the quality of life of people lying below poverty line by providing them with employment options, additional options for earnings and income, livelihood options, educational benefits, health benefits and others that would directly benefit their standard of living. Provide them with a direction for betterment ? be it in education or health and or even livelihood options. Work with them to sustain their motives and educate them on a better understanding of an improved quality of life. CLF believes in the potential that is trapped in rural india. As much as the indian five year plans have tried to tap the benefits from the industrial revolution, clf firmly believes that the strength of rural indiastill lies in development of latest agricultural practices, use of improved fertilizers, providing multi-cropping benefits to farmers, improved measures in irrigation and in solving problems of soil erosion in the regions of difficult terrains. Clf also aims at making rural villages ?sustainable? by working with them in their own areas of skill- base and expertise. Creation of self sustainable villages in indiawhere there is potential for immense development in the small and medium scale sector, handlooms, textiles, handicrafts, leather would have a far reaching effect on the economic background of the financially weak. The broader target is to therefore create districts and eventually economies that have sustainable agro-based technologies, self sustaining smes so that labor is contained in the villages (and there is limited labor migration) and per capita income at the rural level is increased. Literacy is key to development. Clf aims at providing education to primary and secondary level school going children who are either school drop outs or have been forced to discontinue from schools for their financial conditions. We intend to build enrollment at the school level to enhance the goals of the sarva shikhya abhiyan program and be a parallel phenomenon in supporting the objectives of the central government. We also hope to build a strong networking platform for ngos with similar objectives and focus groups who intend to bring about positive changes in the lives of the people of rural india. Our motives, efforts and inspiration lies for all who are in need within and beyond the borders of india. We the members of the organization believe in the power of the changing lives phenomena.