Kolkata Muskan Foundation, Kolkata

Add : 38-A, Second Lane Topsia
West Bengal
Tel :
Mobile : 93395 25877, 98836 74618, 97485 76762
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Md. Farooque, Shahzada Shahid Iqbal, Feroz Anjum
Purpose : Social Work.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Provide sound education to the children of all communiti es irrespective of their race, religions, cast or creed in general and to prepare them to become mature and responsible citizens of the country through the all round physical intellectual, academic, mental and spiritual development based on values derived from the life. Promote literacy, cultural and other social activities of awareness programs, adult education classes, lectures, essay competitions exhibitions, symposium, cultural programs, press conference and seminars. Establish, and to the develop such out of school activity centers for the children of the under privilege class section of society where they could have the benefits and joy of participating in sports, games artistic activities, like clay and wood work, music, dance, painting and also organize educational trips. Institute scholarships and help to deserving students and to institute and award prizes, in recognition of excellence in academic performance of students. Meet traveling, boarding and lodging expenses for the students going abroad for higher education and also help them in all possible ways. Promote fine art, crafts among the public including establishment and maintenance of shilpa shikshalayas, kala kendras (relating to music, dance & modeling) etc. Follow the ideology of great men and national leaders who scarified their lives for the causes of depressed, deprived, sc & st?s, and other community backward classes, minority groups and for other needy people. Provide free concessional education to the poor, helpless and needy children students. Arrange and organize social, cultural, educational and child welfare programs activities from time to time. Publish books, charts, illustrations, journals, magazine, periodicals, news papers and other publications on different subjects and in different languages. Conduct coaching classes for preparation of the various competitive examinations. Provide social-economic help assistance to poor and needy people. Provide free medical aid and start charitable hospital dispensary for the general welfare of general public. Arrange activities for the safety of wild animals, and to make improvement in safety of the wild animals and to show mercy towards them. Arouse the general public towards the aids and to inform the general people about the dangerous deceases of the aids and to make arrangement for safety of the same.

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