BKJKS – Badrish Kirti Jan Kalyan Samiti, Chamoli

Add : Tripathi Bhawan, Near, Rishi Gang, Indira Market, Gopeshwar
Tel : 91-1372-252598
Mobile : 91-94120 82143
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Contact : Dr. Surendre Pd Dimri
Purpose : Education, health, child development, horticulture, development of medicinal plants, environmental.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Badrish Kirti Jan Kalyan Samiti is a society registered as a non Governmental organization under society registration act 21-1860.Foreign Contribution regulation act, 1976, and section 12A &80 G of Indian Income Tax act 1961. Working in the remote and inaccessible areas in Uttarakhand, a province in Indian Himalayas, the area we work is remote and underdeveloped part of Uttarakhand. This is a state which itself has been historically neglected and marginalized within India. Geography has determined the life condition of these villages in many important ways, Life in the mountains is difficult-to fetch water and collect firewood requires climbing up and down narrow trails over long distance. The challenge of the terrain has complicated the serving of the area.Most families in the area where we work live off animal husbandry and farming their own small plots. This is sufficient for sustaining themselves only for eight and nine month of the year, during the rest of which they have to by their food. Apart from selling their small quantities of milk and vegetables on the market, about a four hour jeep drive way, there are very few opportunities to earn cash income. Since 1985 BKJKS has worked some of most disadvantaged people of society. It is education more then any thing else that help people take control of their own lives. Yet in India millions of children are unable to complete their schooling because of poverty of their situation, for this reason BKJKS sees education as the single most effective way to helping communities get out the poverty. Many school children from poor backgrounds in India drop out of education by the age of ten. Often their parents are illiterate themselves; their local school are very poor, or their parents need them to work to earn extra income for the family. Today, more then 150 million of Indian’s population came from these extremely poor communities and the vast majority still lacks proper housing, medical care, education and employment prospects. BKJKS wants funds such as educational projects Residential Bridge Camp for the Schooling of Adolescent Disadvantaged Girls, drop out children for reschooling, and adult literacy classes in remote block of district Chamoli, so we can make improvement to thousands of peoples lives. In this regards BKJKS want financial support from your side.

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