Arsh Yog Avam Jankalyan Trust, Haridwar
Add : 356, Avas Vikas, Rookee
Tel : 01332-266161
Mobile : 92198 52141
Email :
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Contact Person : Virender Arya
Purpose : Social Work.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Arsh Yog Avam Jankalyan Trust has been actively working for the deprived people focusing on women, children, sc/st/obc/minority. To make world free from diseases by spreading yoga. Objectives:- to promote yoga, pranayam, meditation for attaining peace in life. To promote and advocate human rights and fundamental freedom for all without any discrimination of race, religion, caste, color, sex and language. To organize and take up health, educational and welfare programs for needy women and children on priority basis. To aid or establish any institution technical or otherwise, to promote education of art, science or other related fields for the benefit of downtrodden and weaker sections to start and assist the relief measures in those parts of the country which become effected to natural calamities like famine, fire flood, earthquakes etc. To arrange establish vocational education technical training, low cost education, formal & non-formal education. To organize and take-up health, educational and welfare programs for needy poor women and children. To organize yoga camps and establish centre(s) for the promotion of yoga, pranayam etc. To provide basic medical facility, sanitation, general health care and other needful support which can be helpful for public to overcome sufferings and agony of any natural and man-made disaster and to facilitate them to rehabilitate. To establish, build or manage hostels, short stay homes, rehabilitation centers, shelters, cr?ches, child care centre or children?s home, counseling centers and help line centers for women, children, old aged persons, drug addicts and needy persons. To form women groups, youth groups, self -help groups, old aged groups, adolescent groups, children groups/clubs, community leaders groups and group of volunteers. To work for welfare & support for the families of martyrs and prisoners. To work against the exploitation of animals & birds and make sincere efforts to protect them and to make gaushala all over places organizing and advertising the yoga ayurveda camps, seminars and meetings throughout the world. To build a healthy world through indigenous food, pure food, herbs. Preservation of indian culture through development and research, in ayurveda. Organization of group marriage for the marriageable poor and orphaned girls and to help them in establishing their house.
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