Whatsmore Foundation, Raebareli

Add : 877, Rampur Shekhpur Samodha, Bachhrawan
Uttar Pradesh
Tel :
Mobile : 94118 12821, 83037 78772
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Durgesh Kumar
Purpose : Advocacy On Social Issues, Agriculture, Awareness Generation, Cancer Patients Help, Community Development, Corporate Social Responsibility, Disaster Management, Distance Learning, E-Governance.
Aim/Objective/Mission : What’s more foundation which is non-political, non-profitable & self aided a registered body in india has been formed by a group of professional qualified eminent persons with the aim to educate youth and spreading awareness among the peoples. The foundation is involved various social activity of government and csr initiatives across the country. It is already successfully functionally in four state of the country. The whatsmore foundation maintains an efficient track record without any complaint or failure which fulfilling all the requirements for the delivery of education & health services of the hepatitis b, typhoid & swine flue awareness, & vaccination program. What’s more foundation is trying to better quality of life, especially for poor, the oppressed, the marginalized in urban, rural, & remote area of the society. The whatsmore foundation functions by associating local ngo.

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