Golden Globe Foundation, Raebareli

Add : 24, Chichauli Jagatpur, Raebareli
Uttar Pradesh
Tel :
Mobile : 94500 62623
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Pawan Kumar
Purpose : Advocacy On Social Issues, Animal Welfare, Disability, Education, Rural Development, Volunteers, Women Development/Welfare.
Aim/Objective/Mission : To play the role of a facilitator for the benefit of the public without distinction of caste or community, sector, religion, class or creed, in the fields of community health, education and promotion of social and economic welfare and upliftment of the community in general. Accomplish a passionate commitment to the social obligations towards communities, fostering sustainable and integrated development, thus improving the quality of life. Objectives employment to youth and women. Child welfare, disability, education, health, women s issues, environmental issues, social issues. To create a safe and enabling environment where disabled people lead healthy life. Women empowerment. Total service and social welfare, establishment of common society. All round development of women and children in education, health and resolution of agriculture. To under take the programme of development for young generation education for proper development health, illiteracy, drug control (drinks)

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