Add : Lankamura
Tel :
Mobile : 94025 99325, 84158 17170
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Contact Person : Sumit Sarkar
Purpose : Child Labour, Climate Change, E-Governance, Governance, Human Development, Human Rights, Industry, Information And Communications Technology, Local Self Governance (Panchayati Raj), Mentally Handicapped Persons, Pollution, Self Help Groups, Women Development/Welfare, Youth.
Aim/Objective/Mission : To work as non-political orgnisation. To establish and maintain health centre, libraries and reading room for the welfare of members of society to run a coaching centre of cricket & badminton etc. for welfare of members of the society to foster maintain and improve friendly relation and co operation among the members. To publish books, journals, posters for betterment of the youngsters in connection with the attainment of the society. To collect subscriptions and donations from members to attain the objects of society. To acquire purchase or lease or otherwise, lands and building and other properties movable or immovable as the society from time to time may think fit for the welfare of the members of the objects of the society. To accept bequeath, gift, grant or endowment for the attainment of the objects of the society. To organise and undertaken training in village industries for the welfare of the members of the society. To do all sum other thing as may be conducive or incidental to the attainment of all or any of the above objects. To work of children?s education and computer education.