Sri Hari Krishan Shiksha Avem Sewa Samiti, Alwar

Add : Burja House, Mahal Chowk, Alwar
Tel : 0144-2335640
Mobile : 94148 10383
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Contact Person : Ramesh Chand Meena
Purpose : The Main Problem, To Which This Org. Is Concerned, Is Illiteracy, Ignorance, Unemployment, Poverty, Water Scarcity and Women & Child Etc. Therefore, It Is Visualized To Minimize These Problems Through The Essential Tools Of Communication and Learning, Which Is Pre-Condition For Person S Physical, Mental and Economic Growth. This Is To Ensure Development Of Their Potentials, Sustainable Working Conditions and A Harmonious Living With Dignity & Peace. Around 70% Of Indian Population Is Dependent On Agriculture In One Way Or Other, Most Of These People Suffer On Account Of Non Availability Of Continuous Employment and Proper Returns. To Solve This Gigantic Problem The Immediate Need Of The Time Is To ?Diversify The Manpower From Agriculture To Other Sectors Of Working and Employment and Preparing The People By Education, Motivation, Information and Skills To Change Over To New Avenues. The Other Important Aspect To Be Taken Immediate Attention At Priority Basis Is The Growing Desertification Receding Water Level Leading To Scarcity, Depleting Forest, Degradation Of Environment.
Aim/Objective/Mission : In the coming times as per national and local needs promoting the education, through various languages literature, science, arts technology health and others, present and future educational systems and opening, schools, colleges, training institution, hostels & hospitals, orphanage and managing them by forming rules. Publication of books papers periodicals and opening of reading rooms, libraries and for promotion of general education opening schools in the name of amitoz/gurukul etc. To arrange modern education and training for all round development of students & adults rural education, nationalism, social integration, besides this inculcation in them intellectual cultural and heritage values and motivating them to follow them. To help in solving the problems of development of industries, self dependence and increasing population, un employment imparting training in the field of technology and raising avenues for self employment & making available personal for govt and non- govt. Agencies. To accepts donation grants and if necessary to raise fund by hypothecation, lease or sale the present & future properties & industries. To encourage the economic well being and self employment, establish small cottage, village industries on the line of khadi gramodhyog board and seek loan from banks, govt and other financial/donor Indian and foreign seek loans, aids & grant institutions. Impart necessary training to those who are interested in this field. Establish exhibitions and sale centers for them. The capital of the institution, which is not to be used in near future and any receipt of funds from govt. Dept. , donor agencies may be invested in the development of society for weaker, back ward and needy individuals/groups at a priority level and spend through methods as mfi etc. The executive may decide from time to time. In case the objective is related to any govt. Dept. An advance permission may be

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