Shree Kalyanam Sansthaan, Bhilwara

Add : B-140, Near Community Hall, RK Colony
Tel :
Mobile : 75688 44441, 95494 71117
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Vashishth Sharma
Purpose : Agriculture, Animal Health, Cancer Patients Help, Child Labour, Child Rights, Child Welfare, Distance Learning, E-Governance, E-Learning, Economics And Finance, Education, Employment, Environment, Food And Nutrition, Forest Management, Forestry, Human Development, Industry, Medical Relief, Micro-Enterprises, Minorities, Natural Resource Management, Plantation, Pollution, Sex Workers Welfare, Shelter Home, Social Awareness, Society And Economy, Right To Information, Traditional Health, Training, Urban Development, Volunteers, Water, Wildlife, Women’S Issues, Yoga, Youth.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Getting the principles right every ngo will do better if the workers have agreed on its vision, strategies, principles etcetera. It may take a period of discussion, during which ea ch individual and group has a chance to argue and brainstorm. The way in which vision, miss ion and strategies flow one from the other and then lead to projects is very clear in the foll owing example finding a vision, a mission, strategies and goals for ciss, our ngo by mrs. Peres odera community initiatives support services (ciss) is an organization registered in the republic of kenya as a development agency. It operates in West ern kenya. It was started by a group of professionals and practitioners in community health and development in 1979. Our vision is ciss operations are based on the org anisation’s vision, which is.

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