S-He Together, Jaipur

Add : 72, Mohan Nagar, Gopalpura Bypass
Tel : 01412763401
Mobile : 98298 48811
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Rajkumar Vaishnav
Purpose : Adolescent Girls Welfare, Advocacy On Social Issues, Awareness Generation, Child Labour, Child Rights, Community Development, Corporate Social Responsibility, Cultural Heritage., Cultural Issues, Education, Gender, General – Social Welfare, Human Rights, Rural Development, Self Help Groups, Shelter Home, Women Development/Welfare, Women’S Issues.
Aim/Objective/Mission : The name of the society is S-He together the office of the s-he together shall be situated in Jaipur, india. The objects for which the s-he together is established are: create an enabling environment and equal opportunities for all women and children to attain their rights. Ensure accessibility and equal participation of community at all level or to secure increased access to social equity, economic, justice and good-governance for all. Make ay society where people avail their rights, realize their duties and participate in local governance. Effectively carrying out, guiding and supporting research and development activities and trainings in various fields through education, consultancy and research. Study for evidence based planning and policy formulation related to women and children empowerment. To publish studies, periodicals reports and other materials related to topics mentioned above. To educate and make aware public in general about issues related to women and child rights and empowerment, health, education, environmental education etc, through direct implementation and to form groups at various levels. To do and promote all such things, acts and functions that directly or indirectly helps to meets the objective of s-he together . In furtherance to aforesaid objectives, s-he together and its associates shall be entitled to raise funds and to receive contributions, donation, grants and subsidies to do any or all work as below: invest and deal with fund and money of s-he together. Issue appeals and applications for money and funds in furtherance of the said objectives and to receive or collect funds by donation, contributions, gifts or otherwise of cash or property either movable or immovable and grant rights and privilege to donor and other benefactors, as s-he together consider proper. Acquire, purchase or otherwise own or take on lease or hire temporarily or permanently, buy any moveable or immoveable property necessary or convenient for the aforesaid objectives. Build, construct, maintain, repair, adopt, later improve, or develop or furnish any building or works necessary or convenient the purpose of organisation. Enter in to any agreement with any government, authority, municipal or local or otherwise to obtain from such government or authority any rights, privilege, concession, judiciary or otherwise that s-he together may deem desirable to obtain and carryout, exercise and comply with such arrangements rights, privilege and concession. Undertake and to accept management of any endowment or fund or donation to further the objectives of the s-he together. Appoint or employ, temporary or permanent, any person or persons that may be required for purpose of s-he together with salaries, wages, honoraria, fee, gratuity, provident fund and pension. Establish a provident fund and other benefits for the employee of the s-he together. Make and enforce rules and bylaws and if necessary to repeal, amend and alter the same from time to time. Pay all cost, charges and expenses incurred in the promotion, formation, establishment and registration of the s-he together. Do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them of which may be conveniently done along with or subsidiary to the said objectives.

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