Grameen Evam Samudayik Vikas Sanstha, Alwar

Add.: A-118, Scheme 10-A
Pin: 301001
Phone: 91-144-2339482
Contact Person: Vikas Jain
Purpose : Holistic rural development through community participation at all level. Achieve economic self-suffi
Aims/Objectives/Mission : We envision a world where: we believes in the strengthen of poor landless, youths, tribal, women, child labourer and bonded labourer & strives to instill confidence and build attitudes to impart necessary skills with a view to help them participate effectively in the process of social empowerment through, the method of community participation at all level. Our mission is to facilitate the capacity building of gsvs partner communities-scheduled castes and tribes, small and marginal farmers, the landless, and deprived women and children-through both direct and indirect interventions, so that they are empowered to take action independently and effectively to secure their long-term well-being, thereby, promoting their self-reliance.

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