Orissa Patita Udhar Samiti, Bhubaneswar
Add.: 1446, Sastri Nagar, Unit 4
Pin: 751001
Phone: 91-674-2421753
Mobile: 91-94386 68668, 91-99378 16686
Email: opus_bbsr@yahoo.com
Contact Person: Abharani Choudhury
Purpose : Education, health, women empowerment, child development, old age care, rural development, rehabilitation.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Unify the people for their socio-cultural, economic welfare and ensure an environment where they live a life of dignity & security. An equitable, just and inclusive society cherishing the values of social justice, effectiveness of Governance and healthy environment. OPUS adopts community Participatory Approach for adhering Advancing the cause of the vulnerable, creating opportunities and building up their capacity. Enabling the underprivileged and marginalized communities for a dignified and qualitative life by promoting sustainable livelihood, efficient management of human, adhering to participatory and people cent red development approaches in allegiance with democratic and transparent governance & realization of their rights and entitlements.
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