Ribhoi Area Welfare Association, Umsning

Add : Umsning
Ri Bhoi
Tel :
Mobile : 98634 59701
Website :
Contact Person : Benedict D Ranee
Purpose : Trafficking Of Women, Training, Women Development/ Welfare, Youth.
Aim/Objective/Mission : RAWA being a non profit making organization,working hand in hand with the villagers, village headman, individual person interested in social work,government dept and different ngos and agencies for the welfare of the poor, the destitute, the needy and the distress people or broadly speaking for the community in general, the main objectives are as follows to maintain the unity and close understanding among the people of ribhoi district in particular in the state and country in general. To safe guard the rights and properties of individual irrespective of cast and creed to help and develop the traditional, khasiculture etc. To fight against antisocial elements and full render cooperation to the government in all mater relating to the good and clean administration in the villages/district and in the state as whole. To educate people in the arts of sports and sewing, knitting and rearing etc. To fight against illiteracy, poverty, ill health and ignorance,and uplift people for better through hard work and education to infuse the spirit of co-operation among men, women, youth and children. To establish an important vocational training centre in the trades of computer, tailoring, embroidery, knitting, weaving, carpentry, furniture, masonry, automobile, beekeeping, etc, to impart training for women, men and unemployed youth. To solved employment problem in the district in particular in the state and country in general. To encourage the people especially the educated youths to start their own business. Small scale industries /cottage industries/run of transport vehicles etc. Toeducate people for better planning and implementation of rural development programmes and the rights of responsibilities through mass media. To educate the people particularly the poor to play an effective role in rural development programme. To provide technical and financial guidance and assistance rather than implementing the programme. To encourage the people to adopt new method of cultivation and development of agricultural activities to render financial help to the needy and distressed people in time of calamity and hardship to educate the people for protecting and preservation the environment. Last but not the least,to work for the welfare of the community /society in general.

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