Green Planet Society for Social Work, Chhindwara
Add.: C/o Anurag Anand, B/h Old Sunray’s School, Priyadarshani Colony
Pin: 480001
Madhya Pradesh
Phone: 91-7161-248106
Mobile: 91-94246 66676
Contact Person: Sylvia Dass
Purpose : Education, health, NRM, water, women empowerment, child development, rural development, disability.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Empowerment of deprived peoples or communities to manage their resources in a professional and eco-friendly manner. To work for socio-economic development of the deprived peoples through Direct Action and Resource Support Project. To received gifts, endowments, bequests and donations in the form of money, or property moveable or immovable, and in any other form of the purpose of the work connected with the objects as this society. To subscribe, donate, aid, help and assist financially or otherwise any charitable and other institutions or organizations having same or similar objects of the society.
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