Gopal Kiran Samaj Sevi Sanstha, Gwalior

Add.: Nimraje Sadan, New Mohan Nagar
Pin: 474011
Madhya Pradesh
Mobile: 91-94251 18370
Email: gksss_gwlorg@
Contact Person: Prakash Singh Nimraje
Purpose :
Aims/Objectives/Mission : GKSSS organization has been an outcome of joint effort led by a group of people and citizens against the forces, which promote such structures. Grass-roots people’s organization committed to evolving an alternative path of development in india based on the principles of people’s empowerment, equity and sustainability. An ecological and agricultural organization, has actively been engaged rural area since 1995, GKSSS has established and headed dalit. Gksss has a strong committed team of 3 -12 year experiences around 18 professionals drawn from various reputed institutions as well as committed youth emerging from the grass roots as community leaders in our intervened areas.

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