Ladakh Environmental Agricultural Disabled Educational Remedial Society (LEADERS), Leh
Add : 194, Murtsay Colony, Leh Ladakh
Jammu and Kashmir
Tel :
Mobile : 81306 02709
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Nawab Hussain
Purpose : Social Work
Aim/Objective/Mission : To create and foster a spirit of understanding among youths of ladakh. To preserve and develop the cultural value of the area to work towards child development to work towards development of weak, neglected and handicapped to work towards mass literacy with emphasize to reduce the drop-out ratios in primary and secondary education to work towards rural development and to eradicate poverty and indigence to work towards rural sanitation to work towards enrichment of environment by conservation and regeneration to work towards promotion of indigenous crafts and traditional hand skills to work against drug addiction and towards rehabilitation of addicted to work towards cooperative movements.
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