FARZ, Ranchi

Add: Manitola, Doranda
Pin: 834002
Contact Person: SwarnLata Ranjan
Purpose: Education, Health, NRM, Water, Women Empowerment, Child Development, Rural Development, Disability.
Aim/Objective/Mission: In the year 2005, few people from different section of the society inspired by the Gandhian philosophy and the noble idea of self-rule founded FARZ as a Trust. FARZ commits to this philosophy by transferring the ownership of all its efforts to the community who are the ultimate beneficiaries. The founders were also influenced by the philosophy of Vinoba?ji and Jayprakash?ji. They had a deep concern about the contemporary condition of Jharkhand, which had a long history of negligence from all sectors of the society and witnessed abject poverty inspire of having abundance of resources.

Mobile: 91-93347 42440, 91-94319 72633

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