Samijk Klyan Sangatan Ocean, Shimla
Add : Hans Bhawan, Racholi, Khaneri, Ramur
Himachal Pradesh
Tel : 01782-233686
Mobile : 94182 08186
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Contact Person : Pradeep Azaad
Purpose : Social Work.
Aim/Objective/Mission : About the organisation ocean was established on 23-10-2006 under societies registration act xxi of 1860. The organization aim to work in area which was of deepest concern to ocean and to act as a catalyst in promoting effective practices and sustainable programmes amongst community. Society has a secular constitution, which aims to improve the health of general masses irrespective of the caste, creed, sex and religion. The organization works in the field of community health and helps the grassroots level voluntary organization to plan, implement and evaluate their development programmes.
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