Add.: 37, Golf Links
New Delhi
Pin: 110003
Phone:? 91-11- 24692578, 91-11-24636175
Contact Person:? Shigeko Asher
Purpose 😕 Economics and Finance, Energy, Environment, Forestry, Urban Development
Aims/Objectives/Mission 😕 The Asian Development Bank, a multilateral development finance institution, was founded in 1966 by 31 member governments to promote the social and economic progress of the Asian and Pacific region. Over the past 31 years, the Bank’s membership has grown to 57, of which 41 are from within the region and 16 from outside the region. The Bank gives special attention to the needs of the smaller or less-developed countries and priority to regional, subregional, and national projects and programmes. The Bank’s principal functions are? to extend loans and equity investments for the economic and social development of its developing member countries (DMCs); to provide technical assistance for the preparation and execution of development projects and programs, and for advisory services;
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