Youthtrain Foundation, Guwahati
Add : Christian Basti
Tel :
Mobile : 99055 90513
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Website :
Contact Person : Prabin Prasad
Purpose : Social Work
Aim/Objective/Mission : Youthtrain Foundation is a non profit organization, which primarily focus on training and empowerment of youth. the foundation is formed by a group of Young professional leaders, trainers and social workers, from the different parts of India to do constructive work for young generations. The specific vision/mission of the foundation is to empower stakeholders through different kind training’s, workshops and seminars. We believes in empowerment process comes through training and guidance and this process starts with individual. A persons skill, knowledge and attitude lifted towards empowerment. Youthtrain Foundation main objective is to provide Skills based training programme Mission To enhance the Capability of the youth through Empowerment and training and more focused will be on management and other social based programme for all kind of needy Stakeholders to eradicate the inequality from the society.
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