Helpkash India Charitable Society, Srinagar

Add : Parraypora, Baghaat, Bazulla
Jammu Kashmir
Tel :
Mobile : 96978 15815
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Contact Person : Tafazul Fazili
Purpose : Agriculture, Art And Craft, Art And Culture, Child Welfare, Cultural Issues, Disadvantaged Communities, Disaster Management, Employment, Environment, Forestry, General – Social Welfare, Health, Hiv/Aids, Human Development, Intellectual Property, Livelihood, Medical Relief, Minorities, Old Aged Welfare, Orphanage, Rural Development, Sanitation, Science And Technology, Self Help Groups, Shelter Home, Social Awareness, Water, Women Development/Welfare, Women’S Issues, Youth.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Our objectives is implement rural and urban livelihood projects and create enabling conditions for the poor specially women to economically and socially empower them through appropriate livelihood options. Establish, strengthen and empower community based institutions/grassroot institutions based on widespread inclusive community participation especially of poor, women and other vulnerable groups. To organize community groups among urban poor for enhanced livelihood options. Promote collective action through community based organization for economic and social purposes. Strengthen capacity of communities for participatory activities for economic empowerment by enhancing their livelihood opportunities and incomes through farm and non-farm activities. To promote market linkages for agricultural and rural non-farm products of the community based organizations of the poor. Promote community driven development interventions for fostering equity in the distribution of wealth, natural resources and common facilities. Creation of capital assets at household and community level through use of local resources particularly rural technology and participatory processes. To promote linkages with micro finance institutions and banks for delivery of financial services to the rural and urban poor. Appropriate vocational skill training to youth after proper demand assessment to facilitate employability and create options for non-farm livelihoods. Natural resources management, with special emphasis on community-based forestry management, non timber forest produce (ntfp). To provide technical assistance and seed capital for value-addition activities in the downstream segments of relevant supply-chains. To promote partnership and linkages with organizations and bodies of local regional, national and international which will promote the objectives of the society to access funds from government and semi-government sources, local bodies, banks and other financial institutions, trusts and any other legally constituted bodies act the state, national, and international levels engaged in lawful activities to promote the society?s? objectives. To receive loans, grants, donations and technical services from any bilateral, multilateral, and international bodies such as governments, united nations, world bank, international financial corporation and other bodies for promotion of livelihoods and natural resource management. To document and implement best practices for poverty eradication appropriate to the north eastern region. To invest in small scale local infrastructure in project areas that are essential to promote the objectives of the society. Support panchayati raj institutions and other forms of local self government for responsive effective and transparent service delivery to bring in convergence among various poverty reduction and empowerment projects to build support and services structures for providing social and technical guidance to the poor in their overall social progress and livelihood development support village governments in becoming more responsive and effective in delivery of services and assisting the rural poor especially women, to undertake all relevant activities, including implementation of specific projects funded by government, bilateral, multilateral and other funding agencies for elimination of poverty, and livelihood development of the poor.

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