We The Forum for Human Unity, Kolkata

Add : 119, Jodhpur Park
West Bengal
Tel : 033-24728856
Mobile : 93310 82189
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Contact Person : Dr Reeta Bhattacharya
Purpose : Awareness Generation, Child Rights, Human Rights, Legal Awareness, Old Aged Welfare, Peace, Pollution, Social Awareness, Right To Information, Youth.
Aim/Objective/Mission : We the forum for human unity is a registered body under the west bengal societies registration act founded in the year 2006. It is involved in propagating human rights, unity and peace through their various activities and projects. Activities awareness of rights and freedom, supporting society in fighting against natural calamities by organising regular awareness camps in and around the metropolis. Encouragement of the promotion of human rights and information by awarding, awareness-raising on human rights issues. Observing, human rights day on 10 december, every year at the maidan, by circulating printed literature, translated in vernacular languages, by our members, explaining the provisions of universal declaration of human rights, 1948, adopted by the united nations. Promotion of education and culture for human rights, peace, democracy, tolerance and international understanding through education, training, research, seminar, quiz competition, distribution of leaflets etc. Providing children, the opportunity to practise through real life examples and activities. It is imperative to link schools with the local community, while promoting extracurricular activities. Promotion of health consciousness among citizens by organizing health camps viz, eye camps and distribution of spectacles to poor school children free of cost. Extension of good will gesture to old age home inmates.

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