VSSU – Vivekananda Sevakendra -O- Sishu Uddyan, South 24 Parganas

Add.: Ullon, Ramlochanpur
South 24 Parganas
Pin: 743336
West Bengal
Phone: 91-3174-277451, 91-3174-277986
Email: vssu.in@gmail.com
Website: http://www.vssu.in
Contact Person: Sri Kapilananda Mondal
Purpose : Business development for community development.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : The cornerstone of VSSU is the belief that there are enough resources in the community itself. What is needed are the mechanisms to mobilise these resources. VSSU works as a patron to mobilise the community. From 25 years of experience, VSSU realises that local business development is the primary creator of surplus funds for investment in community development programmes. VSSU believes that microfinance is an excellent mechanism to enable the poor to establish their own enterprise and to earn money, leading to financial stability and development of humanity.

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