Uneed Trust of India, North 24 Parganas

Add : 1st Floor, 13/7, Jessore Road, Dakbunglow, Barasat
North 24 Parganas
West Bengal
Tel : 033-25455001
Mobile : 89816 00600
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Mithun Nath
Purpose : Population.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Uneed trust of India is established with clear objectives of promoting integrated development of the poor people in rural and urban areas in west Bengal and nearby states through innovative income generation approach and awareness campaigning with training and workshop. Uneed trust of India is also actively engaged in increasing funding and improve policies for family planning, creating public partnerships to expand birth control awareness and options to develop innovative and affordable contraceptive methods and support further research to narrow knowledge gaps. We are particularly committed to exploring how our family planning efforts can make substantial difference to population outburst through continuous awareness camps to promote small family-happy family concept and by distributing contraceptive pills and other birth control instruments for a economically and socially better India.

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