Shipra Social Foundation, North 24 Pargonas

Add : 15, Malina Apartment, Sodepur, Nilgang Road
North 24 Pargonas
West Bengal
Tel :
Mobile : 96744 19863, 93393 33526
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Saikat chakraborty or arindam guha thakurta
purpose : Awareness Generation, Cancer Patients Help, Child Labour, Child Welfare, Education, Health, Hiv/Aids, Human Development, Orphanage, Social Awareness, Training, Tribal Development, Women Development/Welfare Also We Help Recognition Of Achievement And Poor Players Or Students.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Our mission is providing health service, medicare, ambulance service to the sick. Eradication of child labour. Womens? & childrens? development. Inculcating social awareness helping major- desiease patients. Community development. Promoting sports &culture corporate social responsibility promoting tribal development project. Educational development(free coaching center, skill development, personality development, help poor student, health checkup for school students,) tree plantation promoting health camp(blood donation, routine checkup, tb, eye camp, etc) our visionis a socio ?culturaliy free indiawith no child lobour, developed women and children of the triblal folk, developed minority community and educationally, socially and culturally developed common folk. Facilities: the poor are helped. The sick are cared. The talented are assisted. The achievers are felicitated. The backword are developed. Donors is wealthy individuals established trusts corporate concerns industrial units government departments.

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