Rangbang Himalayan Destitute Relief Foundation, Darjeeling

Add : Chandbarjote, Kadamtala
West Bengal
Tel :
Mobile : 70633 85577
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Dr. Bimal Rai
Purpose : Awareness Generation, Child Welfare, Community Development, Education, Food And Nutrition, Health, Indigenous Knowledge, Medical Relief, Old Aged Welfare.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Hdrf visions a world in which every citizen of indo- himalayan region lives a life in dignity and security, using natural resources in sustainable manner. We live today in an era when two facts have become increasingly clear and increasingly important. Human beings do not live in isolation. They are dependent on each other and on their environment. Some parts of the global society are enjoying rapid technology progress and expansion of economic growth, while other parts are suffering from increasing poverty and facing disaster. Man is an integrated part of an extremely intricate and sensitive biosphere. Our service for people living in the indo-himalayan region must be determined by proper consideration and respect for the environment, so that we do not do anything to worsen an already precarious situation. Hdrf is an innovative foundation, favouring the development of services by volunteers at direct point of need. Hdrf also works with disadvantaged and poor communities and focus on distribution of materials directly and also through long term programs dedicated to permanently uplifting the area and fulfilling regional needs.

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