Peoples Union for Development & Reconstruction, Howrah

Add.: 30/3-A, N S Dutta Road
Pin: 711101
West Bengal
Phone: 91-33-26677282, 91-33-26673633
Contact Person: Manju Bose
Purpose : Agriculture, Art and culture, Child welfare, Disadvantaged communities, Education, Environment, Food and Nutrition, Health, Human Rights, Micro-enterprises, Minorities, Poverty, Rural Development, Sanitation, Sustainable Development, Training, Tribal issues, Urban Development, Women’s issues
Aims/Objectives/Mission : A group of social activists of various ethnic, religious and linguistic background coalesced together in the year of 1980 with the sole objective of bringing about positive changes in Indian society which will lead to a more just and egalitarian social order. PUDAR aims at creating awareness among the weaker sections of the society and builds network at the local, regional and national levels for mutual sharing of ideas and solidarity etc.

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