Nawamita the Society for Underprivileged Upliftment, Kolkata

Add : 56/1, Picnic Garden Road
West Bengal
Tel : 033-65675291
Mobile : 97489 10506, 98318 50903
Website :
Contact Person : Mintu Chakrabarti
Purpose : To Augment Environmental Education Including Promotion Of Health, Hygiene and Sanitation Among All Sections Of Population.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Aims : nawamita aims to develop a state of society where the people of all categories irrespective of caste, creed and gender are empowered to look after their own development through their own initiatives, resources and wisdom having attained food and livelihood security without depending upon any outside agencies and are living with peace, equal justice, mutual respect, trust, love, compassion and harmony ensuring gender equity objectives the objectives of nawamita is to facilitate socio – economic – political – cultural and environmental up-gradation of the poor and the marginalized section of the population residing in urban and rural areas emphasizing the downtrodden communities. Nawamita mission is to aware the rural and urban people about their health, education and basic rights, assist them to recognize and improve their potentialities through skill formation, knowledge sharing and transfer of technical knowhow, guide them to generate economic benefits for promoting sustainable development in both rural and urban economy.

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