Nandakumarpur Joykrishnapur Milan Sangha, North 24 Parganas

Add : Nandakumarpur, Joykrishnapur, Raidighi, Mathurapur-Block
North 24 Parganas
West Bengal
Tel : 03174-204223
Mobile : 96741 81460
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Vani Anurag Dutta.
Purpose : Advocacy On Social Issues, Agriculture, Art And Culture, Awareness Generation, Child Labour, Child Rights, Child Welfare, Community Development, Development (General), Education, Employment, Food And Nutrition, Health, Human Development, Human Rights, Livelihood, Medical Relief, Rehabilitation, Rural Development, Sanitation, Self Help Groups, Training, Water, Women Development/Welfare, Women’S Issues.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Aim poverty eradication & people?s empowerment. Our objectives ensuring mother with child save. Ensuring the rights of the child. Empowering women through social and economical development. Supporting local volunteers working for underprivileged children and families by providing technical assistance and capacity building. Sensitizing the local government to issue surrounding the health, education and protection needs of impoverished communities and developing effective relationship between local communities at different levels. Reduce poverty. Empower people socially & economically. Promote human rights and social justice. Impede environmental degradation & counteract its effects. Vision our vision a world in which all woman and children are empowered to develop their spirituality – em bracing ethical values, learning to live in solidarity with people of different religions and civilizations and building faith in the divine presence; we believe that ethics education will enhance children?s innate ability to make positive contributions to the well being of their peers, families and communities that t his in turn will help the entire human family to thrive in an environment of greater justice, peace, compassion, hope and dignity. Mission n.j milan sangh a believes and have experimented that huge fund and big money cannot help a lot to a poor people who are not getting their basic needs and less capable to handle family. Our organization committed to provide sustainable development for the underprivileged and vulnerable members of the population with the special focus on children and person living in difficult circumstances by acting as a facilitator through mother with child & community development providing education, vocational training, health awareness an d service, shelter, nutrition counseling, recreation, rescue and rehabilitation, repatriation awareness on rights, emergency relief, capacity building, fundraising, soc-economic, cultural and spiritual development regardless to achieve goals.

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