Mass Welfare Society, Kolkata

Add : 105, KN Sen Road
West Bengal
Tel : 033-24417609
Mobile : 93309 51512
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Samiran Mullick
Purpose : Social Work
Aim/Objective/Mission : Mass welfare society has been working for bringing a sustainable change in the lives of the vulnerable sections of the urban population, especially children & women. All our activities are designed and developed by the project management unit (pmu) with the active participation of the local community at every point of time. Mws believes and practices to ensure the basic human rights to the core beneficiaries through the following strategic activities ensuring the rights of children ? especially the street & hardcore child labour, and children in need of care & protection, through community-based academic and behaviour change support at preparatory & elementary levels, as well as their necessary follow-up measures, with allied support like nutrition, primary health care and vocational inputs. Livelihoods development ? through creation and development of alternative livelihoods for adolescent girls and distressed women from urban slum-areas and extend capacity building support for their income generation in various creative vocations. Capacity building ? of local educated and unemployed youth from distressed communities, young & adolescents at-risk, community volunteers and staff on cross-cutting socio-cultural issues, e. g, child rights, human rights, women in domestic violence, life skills based education (drug abuse, hiv/aids etc. ) to create an enabling environment through networking and advocacy at city level.

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