Mahadebnagar Rural Welfare Society [MRWS], Murshidabad

Add : Mahadebnagar, Farakka, Rural Area
West Bengal
Tel :
Mobile : 97328 07273
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Jahadi Hasan
Purpose : Awareness Generation, Child Labour, Child Rights, Health, Livelihood, Sanitation, Self Help Groups, Women’S Issues
Aim/Objective/Mission : Mahadebnagar Rural Welfare Society [MRWS] is a non-profit, non government and humanitarian voluntary organization operating in the rural, urban, tribal and far-flung habitations of southwest regions of west bengal especially in murshidabad-districts. Its origin owes to a dream once seen by some likeminded intellectuals, educationists, social-activist youths who firmly believe that india cannot be translated into a developed country until a sustainable holistic transformation of its rural sector takes place. We are trying our best to promote minimum education to the children and maintain health & hygiene capacity of mother, child and old aged of the unfortunate tobacco manufacturing [bidi smoking ] worker family. Our mission promote ?community based development and assisting them for strengthening and capacity development in such a way that they are able to identify, fight and work on the issues affecting them adversely, maintaining transparency and high level networking [rural & urban] is our main mission, objectives of the organization the objectives of the organization are – organizing uplifting bpl community against exploitation organizing trainings and seminars for capacity building on the co-ordination, organizing awareness camp, meetings on the different issues pertaining to their life, taking up education programs for integrated child development, formation of self help groups identification and strengthening of leadership capabilities motivating people and work for individual and collective action for environment conservation, protection and propagation. Overall health awareness and facilities for preventive measures. Especially for adolescent girls and women. To generate awareness to health, sanitation, family welfare and develop scientific temper in the rural folk. To promote awareness in environment related issues such as forest conservation, rain water harvesting, alternative energy resources and pollution control. To ensure social justice by extending help to physically handicapped, poor and orphan children, child immunization programme, to ensure proper academic education for every child as well as adult, specific awareness on hiv/aids, hepatitis b, cancer [malignant], diabetes.

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