kalikata Bidhan Manab Bikash Samity, Howrah

Add : Rashpur, Amta, Howrah
West Bengal
Tel : 03214-224143
Mobile : 86092 86059
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Contact Person : Archita Basu
Purpose : Animal Health, Awareness Generation, Child Labour, Child Rights, Community Development, Disability, Disaster Management, Fair Trade, Food and Nutrition, Health, Herbal Medicine, Hiv/Aids, Human Development, Human Rights, Rural Development, Sanitation, Women Development/Welfare.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Area/sector of activities livelihood promotion prevention & leprosy, relief work, ihhl, housing, cultural activities, community health care, women & child development. Vision is the Kalikata bidhan manab bikash samity envisions an India, wherein people are assured of clean air, water and environment, are able to fulfill their basic needs. We are able to get proper education and are able to develop their selves to lead a better livelihood. In order to realize the vision, endeavors to promote community development, understood as a process of enabling the people, especially the poor and the marginalized, to be collectively responsible to attain and maintain their basic needs and demand freedom of accessibility to all developmental aspects as a right, and ensure availability of health & medical care of reasonable quality at reasonable cost.

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