Kabiguru Social Welfare And Charitable Trust, Hooghly
Add : Mitra Bagan, Pipulpathi
West Bengal
Tel :
Mobile : 97483 54306
Email : kabiguru.ngoindia@gmail.com
Website :
Contact Person : Dr. D. Dutta
Purpose : Art And Culture, Ayurveda, Child Rights, Child Welfare, Cultural Heritage., Education, Employment, Food And Nutrition, Grants/Aids, Health, Herbal Medicine, Micro-Enterprises, Old Aged Welfare, Social Awareness, Society And Economy, Volunteers, Waste Management, Women Development/Welfare, Yoga, Youth.
Aim/Objective/Mission : About Us Kabiguru Social Welfare And Charitable Trust is a non profit organization (ngo) registered under indian trust act 1882 with registrar of assurance vides regd. No. Iv-01013 of 2013, established in promoting and rendering welfare services to the marginalized, orphans, minorities, tribal people, urban poor, informal labor sector and other socially, economically and literally backward peoples of india. Our trust organized different integrated programs and offered welfare services to implement its objectives without making any discrimination on the ground of caste, creed, sex, language, colour and religion for socio-economic development of peoples living at grass root level in rural india. Kabiguru social welfare and charitable trust works and initiates major efforts in various interconnected spheres such as education, health awareness, mother & child welfare, livelihoods, aids awareness, rehabilitation, environment, health & nutrition, micro entrepreneurship, social awareness, women empowerment, spiritual growth, social justice, brother hood and integrity. We focus mainly convenience, reliability, continuity a range of social welfare and charitable services for improvement of the quality of living of under privileged, down trodden and other needy peoples in our society. Vision & mission our vision kabiguru social welfare and charitable trust think about a society in which peace, justice and equality will prevail and wish to contribute efforts in building a new india where all people can gain access to education, healthcare, employment opportunities, economic self reliance and where all indians can realize their full potential irrespective of caste, creed, colour, language, sex and religion. Finally to harness not just natural resources but also human resources through leadership and motivation. Our mission to promote continuous self-improvement in the quality of lives of the under privileged peoples by generating their own leadership in solving their problems and by creating opportunities at their doorsteps for utilizing their resources most efficiently. What we do with the focal agenda of transforming people?s life into models of prosperity, we work in the diverse areas that touch the day to day lives of under privileged peoples in our society. We design and implement education programs in the realm of, rehabilitation of peoples in the challenge health care agriculture research wasted land development livelihoods revival of folk arts exploration human talents spiritual development objectives to promote education and healthcare facility among the backward section of peoples. To create opportunities for economic self reliance among the peoples. To facilitate empowerment of the peoples irrespective of caste, creed, colour, language and religion. To promote economic development activities for the benefit of backward sections. To overcome the sufferings of the down trodden, marginalized and the weaker sections of society. To facilitate the developments of livelihood opportunities of artists and explore new talents. To promote self employment and other ventures for the benefits of weaker sections. To work for personal development programs like yoga, meditation etc. By building self confidence, problem solving capacity, resilience and skills among people. To develop a society wherein peace, justice and equality prevail. To ensure gender equality and freedom from discrimination. To create a sense of brotherhood, national integration, love, humanity, affection, cooperation and friendship amongst the peoples in the society.
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