Discovering Talent, Kolkata

Add : 117 A/80, Sarat Ghosh Garden Road
West Bengal
Tel :
Mobile : 94322 62593
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Kakali Bagchi
Purpose : Art And Culture, Cultural Issues, Economics And Finance, Employment, Old Aged Welfare, Shelter Home, Social Awareness, Women Development/Welfare, Women’S Issues, Youth
Aim/Objective/Mission : Prevention of child sex abuse alert training. Digging out talents of students and publish it on our websites and magazines organizing fair with their innovations and the sold value to be deposited to their account. Buying old books and notes and selling/distributing it to poor students. Any talents/passion to be recognized and helping them giving platform. Old loners to be helped. Women mental ills roaming on roads are to be accommodated to shelter home.

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