Centre for Development in Action West Bengal Chapter, Kolkata

Add.: 8/1-J, Naktala Road
Pin: 700047
West Bengal
Phone: 91-33-4112024
Mobile: 91-98305 70751
Contact Person: Subhankar Roy
Purpose : To bring about substantial change & innovativeness in the realization of human potentials.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Center for development in acton west bengal chapter, is a non-profit, non-government legally incorporated entity committed to work with the lesser privileged section of the community by supporting their social, economic and cultural development in bringing a positive difference in their lives. The society initiates partnership in every sustainable solution possible to the concern of the marginalized through providing technical cooperation, assisting them in achieving their highest potential, at the state or national level designed to facilitate efforts in improving the quality of life as a whole.

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