Vidyapeeth Prakshian Sansthan Avam Jan Vikas Samiti, Dehradun
Add : 49, Shanti Vihar, Mothrowala Road
Tel : 91-135-3202497
Mobile : 91-98374 79001
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Contact : Vikas Kuksal
Purpose : Education, health, NRM, water, women empowerment, child development, rural development, disability.
Aim/Objective/Mission : To provide primary education to higher education to the boys & girls of all communities and nationalities irrespective of sex caste and creed with special emphasis on the education of the backward class and financially weak families. To establish, run institutes school, colleges, training centers to promote conduct training courses, coaching classes and to impart education of all kinds to the people of all communities and nationalities irrespective of sex, caste and creedC. To organize seminars, workshops and training programs.
To act as respective all kinds of projects related to children?s welfare. To collaborate with other government and non-government agencies, institutions and organization in India and abroad, in such manner as may be necessary for the promotion of the objective of the society.
To under take all kinds of projects related to children?s welfare.
To do all other things that is incidental to or decisive for the attainment or furtherance of the aims and objects of the society and for the management and control of the society.
The income and profits of the society, form whosesoever derived or obtained shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the society and no portion thereof shall be paid to or divided amongst the members by way of profits.
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