Uttarakhand Association for Positive People Living With Hiv/Aids, Dehradun
Add : 31, D.L. Road
Tel : 0135-6454880
Mobile : 88688 09573
Email : ukpositivenet@gmail.com
Website : www.uknpplus.org
Contact Person : Pawan Bhardwaj
Purpose : Hiv/Aids.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Our vision is Uttarakhand’S People Living With Hiv/Aids have equal rights and live with dignity and peace with other members of society. Our mission to improve the quality of life of plhiv in Uttarakhand and provide a sense of belonging to plhiv and their families for their full and active participation in society and also to prevent further hiv transmission. Our objectives sustain the state level network of positive people living with hiv/aids in Uttarakhand state. Promote community based forum as district level network (dln) for sustainable community of positive people living with hiv/aids. Ensure access to high quality information and services for positive prevention, positive living and continuum of care and treatment adherence. Promote positive active to reduce of stigma and discrimination and protect human rights of plhiv serve the best practices and lessons learned in livelihood and enterprise promotion and development. Encourage & implement of human behavior law in respect of hiv/aids community. Evolve mechanism for education, employment & shelter home for hiv/aids community. Establish a centre of excellence for hiv/aids community cooperate with research organization or researcher for medicines/vaccine/research document on behalf of hiv/aids extend and expand professional support to plhiv of various development projects and programs.
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