Swati Gramodhyog Sansthan, Uttarakhand
Add: Dharchula Road, Kailashpuri
Tel : 91-5964-224098
Mobile : 91-98977 75183
Email : swati_sansthan@yahoo.co.in
Website :
Contact Person : R.S. Bisht
Purpose : Upliftment of poor people of hilly rural areas.
Aim/Objective/Mission : To develop innate capacity of people to manage their depleting resources in a meaningful and sustainable manner.
Vision of providing social and economic opportunities to the vulnerable groups in the society with a particular stress on the women folk irrespective of caste, creed, religion, co lour and discrimination.
Mission for attainment of visionary spectacle mission would be to take resource to the path of relentless development under various paradigms of social service sector-through continuous assimilation of human, local, internal and external resources.
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