PASS – Parvatiya Aranya Sewa Evam Vikas Sansthan, Pithoragarh

Add : Police Line Road, Kumour
Tel : 91-5964-228887
Mobile : 91-94120 45085, 91-94124 41117
Email :
Website :
Contact : Pankaj Kumar Kandpal
Purpose : Environment protection, education, health, nrm, water, women empowerment, child development, rural development.
Aim/Objective/Mission : The oranization was established in November 1997 with the objectives of environment protection and conservation by activities based on rural development and public centered activities for socioeconomic upliftment. Our organization has been working with the government as well as other organizations to highlight the burning issues of the society for the upliftment of the society through several seminars, organising workshops meetings and by. After the registration of the society and receiving the funds from various funding agencies. A solid administrative setup was built in the organizations and various programs were executed by the society successfully.
Environmental protection and conservation by activities to improvise the fertility of barren and uncultivated land.
Capacity building, community development, education viz environmental, health, child and informal education and awaring the people.
To unite the groups, train them and establish a model on development through population centered planning and development.
Women empowerment, education, trainings, uniting the beneficiaries and organizing various awareness programs.
To conduct programs and educate and inspire the society for development on watershed management, resource development, drinking water, irrigation, electricity, agriculture, horticulture development and farming business.
Printing, editing and collecting data on literature related to education, tradition and community development.
To train and arrange marketing linkages to varions groups viz village based groups, women groups for economic upliftment.
Conducting the program for infrastructural development and economic stability of the society through regular income generation for sustainability.
To conduct programs for development of environment, tourism and culture.

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